Friday, May 14, 2010

University of London

After arriving in London late last night, we were welcome by our horribly rude RA for our dorms. Isa and I are sharing a room again. The room is smaller than a room on a cruise ship, and our bathroom is about 4x4! We also share a kitchen with 4 other people. Isa and I did some groceries are hope to save some money by cooking dinners and eating sandwiches. After unpacking and straightening my life out a little bit, I didn't feel like cooking so we went out to eat. I had an amazing cheeseburgers and fries!

This morning was an early morning for us. We met downstairs at 9 a.m. and took the tube from one station to another. When we got off we walked for about 15 minutes to the AIFS office and the University of London (where are classes will be held). How I am going to remember how to get to class on Monday morning is way beyond me! After our orientation we went on a coach bus tour of London. Our first stop was at the church was Princess Diana got married. Next we went to the "London Bridge". What people (myself including) think is the London Bridge is actually not. It is called something else that I can't remember right now, haha. The real London bridge is no where near as pretty as the landmark bridge that everything thinks is the bridge. Our last stop of the tour was to the Queens house.

We received our cell phones last night, also. It is an ancient Nokia something or another. I had the phone when I was in 6th grade. I'm pretty pleased with the model bc it has the phone game Snake- which I havnt played since middle school.

Tomorrow and sunday are free days and we are planning a day trip to Brighton, which is apparently a beach town so yay! :)

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