Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Thank you volcanic ash, HELLO NYC!

After are arrival upon Newark, New Jersey we received an update that there was volcanic ash in the airwaves over Ireland, and therefore their airports were all shut down. AKA our connecting flight was cancelled. So what now? We sat in the airport, mind you airport with no free wi-fi, from 6:30 p.m. to about 10:0m p.m. patiently awaiting what was to be our next course of action. Long story short, we were told by our professors to find a place to sleep for the night (AIFS would reimburse us) and to meet back at the airport at 3 p.m. for our flight to Shannon at 7 p.m.

Here is where the fun starts. Isa and I have no idea what to do. Get a hotel? What? Where? With who? (We needed at least three people in the room to get reimbursed). All of a sudden we hear a group of people going to NYC. NYC? NYC! Okay.... here we come NYC! 15 of us got on coach bus, for a $25 round trip ticket, into the city. We made a rsvp with a Hampton Inn in the Soho district. Now picture this. 15 college students, with carry on bags, book bags AND 50+lbs worth of check-on baggage....... going on a subway! Oh and did I mention that it was only 3 guys? With all those stairs! Needless to say, this was one experience and a very fatiguing adventure, that I loved. By the way, if you're wondering if I was scared.... I was scared shitless. A subway at 11p.m. at night, in NYC, with tons of bags and bums just did not seem like the smartest thing to do. But it was surely a lot safer then me and Isa venturing off on our own.

We had plans to go out and enjoy the city life. But after the time that we arrived at our hotel, it was pretty late and the majority of us were pretty tired from the adventure. A hand full of us hung out in the lobby and explored the street a little bit. It was definitely a good bonding experience. Now after enjoying our complimentary breakfast, we are up and about and ready to make our transition back to the airport. This time we will not be carrying our enormous bags throughout the streets of NYC. It's taxi time for us.

I'm usually a fan of airports, people watching and the like. However, I do not want to be stuck in this airport again. I'm had my fair share of making the best out of an unfortunate situation. I'm ready for Europe!

Wish me luck :)


  1. Exchange rate keeps getting better!

  2. I checked out your hotel and sorroundings on Google Earth, I want to be there!!
