Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Gleandalough & Wicklow Park

An early and beautiful blue filled skies was the way I started my Tuesday morning here in Dublin. We had a group tour to Glendalough and Wicklow Park. For those you don't know what it is, it is the biggest park in Europe (maybe even in the states as well?) We started at the bottom of the park and hiked up a car path. To the left we had a peaceful river running downhill while to the right we had houses that I didn't believe existed until I came here. It's incredible to see so much livestock, particularly sheep, grazes outside of peoples home. The freedom that animals have here is great and so precious. Once we reached the top, we were surrounded by greenery, mountains of utter beauty and the scenery of nature. It reminded me of scenes from Lord of the Rings. After spending about an hour at the top, taking pictures and soaking all the beauty in, we headed back down with time to spare. I decided to lay on the grass and just enjoy it all. I was shortly interrupted by a local field trip group of about 50 elementary school children. They were adorable. I snapped a few pictures of them, and they of course thought I was crazy.

On our way back we stopped for lunch. I enjoyed what I think has been my favorite meal so far- a spinach and cheese croissant with 3 salads (tomatoes and spinach, tomatoes and broccoli, and potato salad). Then it was back to the bus. Our tour guide for Dublin has been a pleasant to have. However, her voice is so soothing that once I hit that chair on the bus I immediately am put to sleep. After what felt like a 5 minute nap, our bus dropped us off at our hotel. I realized that I had time to quickly make it to Trinity College for the Book of Wells. Fortunately, I only had to pay 4 euros because I was a student and because it was 4:40 by the time I got there (it closes at 5). The book was beautiful- it dates all the way back to the 8th century. I don't even think my mind can concept how old it really is. The art work is unexplainable. How can there be so much detail??? Beyond me.

Last night I decided I needed to enjoy a night out in Dublin, since I hadn't yet. The area called Temple Bar is the spot to be at. So we made our way there and found our way into the actual bar called Temple Bar. There was a live band playing all irish music. This immediately took me back to being a child and pretending that I could line dance. The pubs here are very different from in the states. Pubs are seen more as a place for socializing. Yes, people do get drunk but there it's a slow process and I believe usually unintentional. Here a man can sit at the bar and become friends with people sitting around him. At home, this man would appear to anyone as a creeper or an alcoholic.

As we made our way home, I found myself looking to the right for cars instead of toward the left. I am getting used to having to look "right, left, right" instead of "left, right, left." I am very fortunate to not having to return to Gainesville for summer classes where I have to walk everywhere! Haha :)

1 comment:

  1. heyyyy! i love reading your little adventures! What's your skype name? i miss you and glad your having such a fun/cultural experience!
