Tuesday, May 18, 2010

London living

I'm starting to feel like I really do live here. But not because of my living conditions, just because there is a lot of time allotted to us here. I really would like to get to another country this weekend because I feel like by the time the weekend comes around I will have seen everything there is to see in London. The issue is finding a reasonably priced train ticket (don't want to fly bc of the volcano) and a hostel for the wknd. So anyone please FEEL FREE to arrange a wknd getaway for me! :D

Yesterday I had class in the morning and then ate lunch in the middle of a park. Afterward I went to the British Museum. The museum was a lot to handle. It had huge ceilings and was very spacious. All the glasses figures were jammed packed with items and it was hard to find what to focus on. In the late afternoon we had to listen to a guest speaker talk about Old London. It was fairly interesting but this man just had the most mundane voice I have ever heard. Needless to say it was hard to stay awake. We were suppose to do a walking tour of Old London but our professor cancelled it because we had to have time to get ready for Mamma Mia. I was a little upset about that, I was looking forward to the tour.

Mamma Mia was great! I had never seen it.. and felt like I was the only person in the entire world who hadn't. A lot of people said that it wasn't the best they've seen but I personally thought it was good.

Today I had class again. After class I went to the Globe Theater where Shakespeare's plays were performed. We had a mini tour inside of the theater and then an interactive workshop that taught us about Shakespeare's writing style. By this point in the day I was running below empty. Coffee has never saved my life as much as this latte did today. Isa and I sat by the river and drank our coffees while we waited for our friend Daniella and Danny to met us. Danny is a friend who has been studying abroad in Barcelona, as well as travelled to basically every country in Europe. He held off on London until now so he would come when I was here.

We grabbed a quick bit to eat, then went to St. Paul's Cathedral for some more pictures. We had intentions on going inside and climbing to the top but it was 10 pounds so we decided that we didn't want to pay that much. Instead we went to the Museum of London. This has been my favorite museum in London. It was a lot more interactive than the others. It was extremely small and easy to get through. By the time we were done with that it was approaching 5, the time when almost everything closes. So we went to Harrod's- OMG! That is the most amazingly huge, expensive and beautiful store I've ever seen in my life. Obviously, I didn't buy anything but the experience was rather entertaining.

Now, I am absolutely exhausted and getting to bed early so that I do not have to rely on coffee tomorrow. ;)

1 comment:

  1. London Museum is awesome. If you go downstairs at Harrods, that is where they have food for sale, you can get free samples like at the mall!! Can you do Paris for a weekend by train? How about Scotland?
