Thursday, May 6, 2010

Day one

May 4, 2010

The ground trembles as the engines roar, my stomach drops and my excitement increases. After flying for 10 plus years now, you would think that I am completely accustom to the whole taking off and landing part of the plane. And truth be told, I am. But there’s always that split moment where I remind myself that nothing bad is going to happen, and I will safely make to my destination. My favorite part about flying is actually the taking off and landing, haha. But anyways…. I’M IN IRELAND! It is so surreal. As we were landing, I gazed at all the greenery. It’s really real. Ireland is all green; it is exactly how people describe it. Not only is it all green but there is definitely animals roaming the green land. We went through customs and were shortly on our way from Shannon to Galway. After checking into to our adorable two bed hotel room with an amazing view of a river, we went on a walking tour of Galway. Now don’t you forget, if you ever get lost keep walking straight and make three right turns. Whatever that is suppose to mean?! Midway of the tour my body was completely giving out on me. Our guide would speak and I would appear to pay attention but my mind was elsewhere. I looked down at my watch. I had officially been awake for 22 hours; I was dead. After we were done I took a nice long nap until about 7 p.m. My dinner consisted of not just fish and chips but BAKED fish and chips. It was absolutely delicious! Now, considering that we have to be up in oh about 7 hours (from when I am writing this) we decided the smartest thing to do was to make our way to a local pub for just a few drinks, ya know nothing crazy. A group of us headed up museum street (how easy is it for us gators to remember that?) and was approached by a local promoter. She suckered us into going into a pub, where we had a good first night out. Drink specials were 2 for 5 euros, and a shot. Now as the night progressed we socialized with the locals and learned that crack apparently means fun here. Well let’s just say we weren’t too trusting on wanting to share some crack with that young chap. The locals, however, are really awesome. I have not met one person who dislikes Galway. Their saying is “I miss Galway, even when I’m still living here.” The people here are no surprise completely different, and way more nicer, than those people in Miami. The music too is slightly different. House and trance music is ALWAYS playing. But anyways, back to the pub scene. Next thing we know, a guy in our group is offered a shot of brandy by another guy. So he accepts, thinking not much of it. Bad idea. 5 minutes later this guy is dancing all over our friend… absolutely hilarious. So we finished up our drinks and made our way home. Tomorrow we will be touring the Aran Islands, it is going to be a long long day but I am very much looking forward to it.

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