Monday, May 24, 2010

Miami weather in London?!

Today I put on one of the few pairs of shorts I brought, a tank top and a light sweater. Not even half way through my walk from the dorm to the bus and I was already taking off the sweater. It isn't just not raining or overcast.. it is HOT! A little too hot for my liking here. It is one thing when I'm going from my car into an AC building or being at the beach, but because we walk everyday this is a little much.

After class we grabbed some lunch in Picadilly Circus and then decided to go to Primeark (the London version of Pennies) because neither Isa nor I have clothes to endure the heat in. I finished the majority of my gift shopping and headed home.

We told the guy at the front desk that we didn't think our AC was working. His response was "we don't have AC in this building." Ummmm.... excuse me?! Not only did I have to hang my wet laundry all over my room last night because the dryers decided to not work, but the building doesn't have AC? I mean, c'mon, seriously? We're not living in the stone age over here!

On a brighter note, I finished and submitted my 5 page paper on i-dont-even-know-what-hofstede-deminisions. That was a relief! Tomorrow the Queen will be gracing us with her presence, as she parades down the streets of London waving her precious hand at us peasants.

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