Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Albert and Victoria

This morning started bright and early at 6:45 a.m. to make it to class on time at 8:30 a.m. After class we grabbed a quick lunch and headed to Hyde Park. The study abroad was divided into four groups and has to compete against each other. The first competition was to exchange a potato to every single group member. The catch was you had to transfer the potato by the neck or the feet. My team came in second place. :) The next competition was the limbo.... no need to elaborate- my team came in last. The final round was a water balloon toss where my team came in first place. Overall, we made second place. There is still two more days of games to be played but those will be next week sometime.

After the games I went to the Albert and Victoria museum. I'm not exactly sure why I liked this museum so much.. I just got a different vibe from it. The objects in it were just incredible. My favorite part was a room from the 20th century. It held the first walkman, my first sony player, radios, the first nike air max, heels from the 60's and the liking. Another room that I really enjoyed contained shoes and dresses throughout the years. One of Princess Di's dresses was on display also.

After basically being kicked out of the museum because it was closing we headed back toward the tube station. We were all pretty hungry and spotted an indian restaurant. Indian food here is suppose to be amazing, and it is. I wish I could tell you exactly what I ate but I'm not even sure! I had an appetizer that had what I believe was lamb, chicken, a potato thing and some sort of sausage. My entree was called chicken rogan. Now, indian food is known for being spicy and i love spicy! However, I was a little scared to order a meal that was "hot." So I order something that said "medium chicken." My mouth was on fire the entire way through my meal. Not uncomfortable fire though, I enjoyed it. I'm just glad I ordered what I did!


  1. Curry, you ate curry. I love Indian food and their accents too. I'm glad that your cultural experience includes historical items from the 20th century! By the way, you are from the 20th century too!! LOL Did you walk by Kensingtom Palace when you were in Hyde Park? Did you go by my hotel?

  2. I know I'm part of the 20th century.. I had the sony walkman and the my first sony player or something like that. I just uploaded pictures so I'm going to send you the link. I didn't pass by either of those though. We were only in there to do the games. Today was great! Im about to blog about it.
