Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Sometimes some down time is okay.

This morning I had class, and after multiple people detailing how incredible the British Museum is I decided to give it a second chance. I've never been in a museum so confusing! I tried, I really did. But this museum was not having my liking. I decided this one was just not for me. After the tube ride home I grabbed a quick lunch from Pret, the best lunch place! Since it's beautiful outside, and the heat has calmed down so it's actually enjoyable to walk, I walked home while eating my chicken and avocado on wheat sandwich, chili piri chips and to finish it off healthy a cup of mangos. I don't know who I think I'm kidding with that eating healthy deal. Gym membership will be signed within 48 hours of returning to the states!

While Isa went to visit an Ad agency, I decided to stay in. I straightened up my half of the room, skyped with my grandparents, tried to catch my mom before leaving for work (but here's a no brainer... she didn't answer!), figured I'd blog a bit and now I'm in the process of uploading pictures. It's amazing how fast one can stay connected now. Skype is such a great connection, and being able to show my family all my pictures is wonderful too.

Yesterday the Queen opened Parliament/gave a speech there. I missed her going from Buckingham to Parliament but was able to catch her on her way back. It was a pretty neat experience. There were hundreds of the infamous black and red guards lined up all along the street. The band was also dressed in the same guard attire. The music was an ease to the wait for her arrival. Oddly enough they played the opening song to Hawaii 5-0 and James Bond. I'm thinking maybe those are two of her faves, or at least on her ipod at home for sure. A set of about 40 black horses and guards introduced the Queens carriage. She wore a beautiful crown as she drove past us- however, not waving. Following her were more important people, maybe her sons? I wouldn't know. Then followed by them were another group of all black horses and guards.

After they finally cleared the way, we grabbed a sandwich from pret and made our way down to covent guard to try to purchase Lion King tickets. It's kinda incredible how quickly we've learned to manage the tube stations and our way around town. We were able to snag 53.50 pound tickets for 21 pounds!!!! SCORE! Next on our list was the London Eye (this was considered class). The Eye was pretty neat. It takes about 30 minutes to complete the rotation but you literally get to see everything. The ticket also comes with a 4D experience show, which might have been better than the eye, haha. Since Temple Church was fairly close to the eye, I ventured off to snap a few pictures of the church for my stepdad.

Soon enough, I found myself racing out of the tube station and heading toward the Lion King theater. The show was incredible. Everyone did an amazing job and the set-up was truly the best part of it all. The performance really brought to life the characters and scenario of the film. Disney, himself, would be proud!

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